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It Pays to Advertise With Us

Senior News is a valuable resource for information, products, and services focused on meeting the needs of seniors and those serving seniors in Central Illinois. The mission of our publication is to reflect the interests and lifestyles of our valued readers. Senior News provides important information that can be helpful to family members and caregivers.  We supply the most recent information on healthcare, recreation, financial planning, housing and current events.  We strive to anticipate the needs and desires of our readers in order to provide a collection of information for people ages 50 and above. This makes Senior News a great place for advertisers seeking to reach and influence this target audience. Don’t miss your opportunity to present your brand, products, or services to our valued readership. We are proud to be the newspaper of choice to over 21,000 loyal readers. We have staffed graphic specialists and writers to help with all your advertising needs. To discuss your advertising needs, please contact Linda Keeler by submitting the form below or contact her personally at (217) 528-1882.

Contact us below to submit your information or advertisement.